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happy pride month

Hello everyone happy pride month I pretty much am glad that we live in the world that we can accept everyone who they are doesn't matter love is love for people that you care of no major sales going on but I figured you know what I'm just wanting to celebrate because I actually do care about people I decided to show my support by releasing the color I would support of and no I won't be taking these stuff down I like any other company some of the problems today that big companies sell products that's specific made for pride month just because they want to make a quick buck and once that month of celebration is over it's back to business as usual for them if you don't support people then why make the products in the first place it just doesn't make any sense I would rather pretty much support the people and make everybody feel welcome I don't give a damn about word that person came from to me they're still a human being trying to fit nobody likes a bully that pics on just because they fall in love with the same sex or they just don't feel comfortable what they look like or comes from a different place I bet that life is hard for people in the LGBTQ+back then we wouldn't got here today if it weren't for the changes humans should treat each other how they want to be treated I think it worked pretty much be kindness and respect not selfless desires and disrespect all love is equal no matter what. But link, you may be asking are you maybe asking are in the community yourself? Actually I'm just an ally I may be straight but I do support my family I was raised by someone my family that are in the LGBT community. And I'm grateful for my my family member who raised me and I'm just pretty much an ally to my family member I actually love them just the way they are.

I'm also proud what people have gotten accomplished so far I'm pretty sure people can accomplish more if we understand each other more so happy pride month everyone and if you see someone that feels sad or depressed because who they are but having a difficult time fitting in just let them know you're not alone. ~linkandlink

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